Viewing webpages in Japanese
After changing the settings on the Control Panel of your computer, you
should be able to view webpages in Japanese. However, you may
sometimes run into problems, when this happens follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to the "View" tab in the upper left-hand corner of your
browser's window and choose "Encoding".
Step 2: Choose one of the three options for Japanese: Auto-select, EUC,
or Shift-JIS. The page should reload in readable Japanese characters.
Tip: For people having no trouble viewing Japanese pages but who can't
read them due to the complex vocabulary or
kanji, I strongly recommend It is a webpage where you can enter either the URL of the site
or the actual word and it will provide you with the reading and English
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Setting up your English Windows XP computer to use Japanese
Typing in Japanese